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Self-Care Therapy Services: Five Easy Ways To Improve Your Self-Care
Two hands holding puzzle pieces about to connect, with a warm, backlight glow.
“A Part of Me….”
Colorful star-shaped sticky notes with positive affirmations like "special" and "unique."
How to Love yourself first



Self-Care Therapy Services: Five Easy Ways To Improve Your Self-Care

Practice self-care tips: Five ways to support your physical and mental well-being alongside any virtual therapy services provider.

Two hands holding puzzle pieces about to connect, with a warm, backlight glow.

“A Part of Me….”

We have all heard clients use this phrase in sessions. They, like us, can describe themselves using "parts" language.

Colorful star-shaped sticky notes with positive affirmations like "special" and "unique."

How to Love yourself first

Easily, this is a trait that any parent would want their child to hold. Likewise, if you had a friend who was struggling with self-esteem and self-worth...

Inspirational quote on a pink background: "Loving yourself is the greatest revolution. @livesimplynatural"

Get Comfortable in your Skin; 6 Ways to Practice Body Positivity Now!

If there’s one thing we know for sure it’s that body’s change. Whether this change comes through aging, parenthood, surgery, or lifestyle, your remarkable body can stretch, shrink, create life, break, bend, and heal. And if there’s another thing that remains certain, it’s that you will remain in your body for as long as you live.

A man walking on a beach with shoes in hand, hills and clear sky in the background.


For many years prior to my retirement I dreamt about what it would be like. I imagine most people dream of retirement and believe it will bring immediate happiness. For me, in some ways that was true, but I learned that finding happiness after retiring a lifetime’s long career takes work, self-reflection, and intent.